COBA President Benny Boscio was featured as part of an in-depth interview with FOX5NY & Hot 97’s Lisa Evers. In the interview, President Boscio discussed the condition of Riker’s Island and noted the “eight years of neglect” from the prior administration as the reasoning behind heightened tensions at the jail. He noted that lack of instructors, rise of violence and assault on correctional officers and inmates, discussing how inmates have been empowered and emboldened by lack of support. “We’ve been set up to fail,” he said to Lisa Evers, discussing the changes to gang policies under the new commissioner. Increased need for staffing and officers at Rikers Island was named as a solution for some of the problems at the jail, but President Boscio noted withdrawal of support and advocacy and a lack of resources as part of creating a dangerous situation for officers and inmates.