Glenn Morgan

1st Vice President

Glenn Morgan

About Glenn Morgan

Glenn Morgan joined the department of corrections in 2002. He has 20 years of experience working with inmates, officers, and officials within the OBCC facility.

Glenn started his career working in CPSU housing area and several years later, he was assigned to work in Security. While working in security, he learned his most valuable lesson which consists of team building and knowledge of policy and leadership. Later he was assigned to the storehouse, the position not only consisted of the management and budget of supplies for the entire facility, it also consisted of the development and utilization of project management and interaction with not only officers and inmates, but also contractors and “civilian” employees. In his early years of working in storehouse, he embarked upon a mentor who guided him in depth with regards to understanding and applying policy and procedures, redefining leadership skills and overall interacting with not only his peers but also officials. This ignited a burning desire within Glenn to assist staff and spread the knowledge he had acquired amongst them. He shortly became a “peer” advisor and was prompted to run for OBCC delegate in 2015 and secured the position. He was re-elected in 2016 and currently serves as a delegate to date.

As a delegate of OBCC, he shortly became a household name amongst officers in the facility for advice, support in every aspect, fighting for the safety and protection for not only the officers but the building as a whole. Due to the rise in assaults on officers, he sought to develop and implement a program in which, provided new officers with tactical training within the facility for “Real” encounters with inmates. He developed an technological “open door” policy in which officers are able to ask questions or voice concerns as well as contact him and other union officials within the facility directly. He has strived to build camaraderie amongst staff.

Glenn’s mantra is simply “each one teach one”. That is his driving force behind his passion to help his fellow officers. He has identified the power of knowledge gifted by those who have mentored and shared with him throughout his career, as well as implementing his own experience; feeling compelled to continue to share this knowledge amongst those who seek his help.


Steven Bell
Warren Jeffrey
Gloria Richardson
Alan Schmalacker
Kareem Claxton
Shaukat Shah


Glenn Morgan
1st Vice President
Herman Jiminian
2nd Vice President
Antoinette Anderson
3rd Vice President
Angel Castro
Daniel Monaco
Legislative Chairman
Lionel Cumberbatch
Financial Secretary
Kamaal Moore
Corresponding Secretary
Neil Renois
Recording Secretary
Edward Yates
Rodney McQueen
First City Wide Trustee
Christopher Cruz
Brooklyn Borough Trustee
Vanessa Quinones
Bronx Borough Trustee
Lateesha Harris
Manhattan Borough Trustee
Derrick Lascko
Queens Borough Trustee


Welcome to the official website of The Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association (COBA). COBA is the second-largest law enforcement union in the City of New York. Our members are New York City Correction Officers, also known as New York City’s Boldest, who supervise the second-largest municipal jail system in the nation. COBA is committed to advocating for safer working conditions, wage increases, and excellent benefits for all our members.

Our website was designed to provide helpful information on the latest issues impacting our members and their families. You can also find our official union publications, news clips, and learn about upcoming events.



“After being appointed nearly 8 yrs ago and receiving some $20 million in consulting fees by NYC taxpayers, the latest Federal Monitor’s biased and one-sided “special report” is no different than the nearly 36 reports that came before it.

If the Monitor is interested in cherry picking data in a two week period, why then does he exclude the brazen assaults on our officers committed by repeat violent offenders in that same period? Or why does he exclude the numbers of inmates whose lives have been saved thanks to Correction Officers? The reality is that the Federal Monitor and his team have strayed very far from their original mission and this new report conveniently excludes key data showing any progress that is being made to combat jail violence, which is largely the result of the dedication and hard work of our officers serving on the frontlines.

These reports now serve only to provide politically-driven talking points for the City Council and the Board of Correction so they can continue to second guess and scapegoat our members, instead of providing oversight over the monitoring team and asking them what have they really accomplished in eight years to make our jails safer? It’s time for the Monitoring team to go!’

Benny Boscio
COBA President